Ask The Cadre: Aphrodisiacs, cam girls and fetishes
Love, the kind you clean up with a mop and bucket. (Popaukropa/Adobe Stock)
Sometimes I struggle to get in the mood for sex. I was wondering if aphrodisiacs actually work, and if so, what should I try?
It’s true that certain foods may cause a release of hormones involved in sex, or increase blood flow which can be stimulating and cause feelings of desire. However, there is little scientific research that proves aphrodisiacs actually create an increase in libido – mainly because libido is hard to define and study.
The Food and Drug Administration also doesn’t recognize any food or chemical as an aphrodisiac, and yet many people continue to believe common items such as bananas, chocolate, oysters, and papaya will increase the urge for sex.
Fun fact: many foods that are considered aphrodisiacs also resemble sexual body parts. Think of oysters, bananas, avocados, and figs.Â
Did you just Google what a fig looks like?
But seriously, if you are experiencing trouble becoming aroused or “getting in the mood for sex,†you may need to look at an underlying issue. If you are stressed, anxious about the performance, or have certain medical conditions – libido can significantly decrease. It may also be an inter-personal relationship issue between yourself and your partner, or an effect of a sociocultural influence. This is not an uncommon issue! Nearly 15% of men and 30% of women will experience a low sex drive at some point in their life, and there are many different reasons as to why.
It is always worth talking to a physician about, as you may discover the true reason.
Is it dangerous to be a cam girl?Â
In Canada, working as an independent sex worker through telephone, internet and email is legal, therefore cam-girling is legal. However it can still be dangerous depending on the policies of the adult entertainment website you are working on, the possibility of stalkers, and the mental and emotional exhaustion of being a cam girl.Â
It’s also important to note that there is a high chance that if you are a cam girl, you will be discovered in real life. Think about how you will deal with this before making the decision!
But let’s not avoid the benefits of being a cam girl. You can operate out of the comfort of your own home, you get to express yourself, you can earn your own income, you get to decide what to show your audience, and there is no risk of contracting STBBI’s.
Remember there are millions of other cam girls in the world. Camming is a business and you have to work hard to stand out and develop a following. You should not expect to start earning hundreds of dollars in your first month, because you have to get established to earn more money. Plus for many of the big websites you have to give a percentage of your earnings back to the company that you’re streaming from.
Ultimately, being a cam girl is an accessible form of valid work that might have the kind of benefits that you’re looking for. Take some time to really consider and research all aspects of this job. Â
I’ve been in a relationship for about 2 months now, and my partner is into unconventional sexual relations. Basically, they have a fetish. I won’t go into detail, but I want to know what I can do to be the best partner I can be.Â
Communication in times like these is so important!
Communicate with your partner to figure out exactly what it is they are into and how you can play into that, but also communicate your concerns or boundaries. You don’t have to do anything you are not comfortable with; consent is everything. Also try to keep an open mind as you don’t know if you will like something until you try it.
These questions were answered by The Cadre Editorial Board and the SU’s Love & Sex Week Committee. Care was given to ensure that those answering questions were well equipped to do so.