Campus Kids make donation to UPEI food bank, November a “busy time” for food insecurity on campus

By: Allison O’Brien
This past week, while students were busy completing assignments and voting in municipal elections, UPEI’s Campus Kids daycare was hard at work collecting food donations to give to the campus food bank.
The Campus Kids daycare filled an entire wagon with donations ranging from cereal to lentils to leftover Halloween candy. (Allison O’Brien)
Krista Pelley, a pre-school teacher at Campus Kids, says the daycare has been focusing on teaching children five characteristics that are important for everyone to have using the book “Character Kids Save the Day!”
The characteristics taught in the book are: co-operation, kindness, brave, honest, and responsible. (Allison O’Brien)
“This week we have been focusing on kindness,” says Pelley.
“While most of the three year old conversations centred around sharing toys and using listening ears, some friends mentioned that it was kind to help people.”
The kids wore masks and capes just like the characters from the book. (Allison O’Brien)
“So after some brain storming with my amazing co-teacher Sheila, we presented the idea of collecting items for the campus food bank,” says Pelley.
The Campus Kids delivered the donations to the food bank this past Friday.
“We collected food items by writing notices to each parent, posting signs around the daycare, and reaching out on our Facebook page,” says Pelley. (Allison O’Brien)
Campus Minister Sister Susan Kidd says that November is a busy time for the UPEI food bank.
We’re over the Thanksgiving break, students are getting into the midterm stress, and food drops down on their priority list.
The campus food bank is located in the UPEI Chaplaincy Centre. Anyone can come in and take food without asking. (Allison O’Brien)
Sister Sue, as the community affectionately calls her, adds that donations from groups are on the rise.
“More groups are donating. The Music Society at their Haunted House, or the Student Union is now talking about having something on campus at another location. So student groups are stepping up.”
Morin Mawhinney, an administrator at the campus food bank, says items have been going quickly.
“Murphy’s Pharmacy donated toothbrushes, razors, deodorant and more,” says Mawhinney. (Allison O’Brien)
“The items go quickly, but so far we’ve always had something on our shelves to offer.”