What you need to know for the SU’s Constitutional Referendum
By: Allison O’Brien
Are you in favour of the proposed changes to the UPEI Student Union Constitution? (Good Studio/Adobe Stock)
Tomorrow and on Wednesday students will login to MyUPEI’s Simply Voting platform to elect three new executives to lead the UPEI Student Union.
Along with this vote, students be asked a referendum question regarding the SU’s new constitution.
Question: Are you in favour of the proposed changes to the UPEI Student Union Constitution?
A constitution is a fundamental document that outlines the principles that govern an organization, along with its purpose and values.
The current nine page constitution includes impeachment procedures, student fees, term lengths, and other lengthy rules that don’t belong in a constitution.
The amended constitution shortens the document to five pages of fundamental guidelines to govern the organization, with additional information to be transitioned into separate by-laws.
The SU Constitution was created in 1981 and has been amended at least twenty times since 2000, says SU President William McGuigan.
“A constitution is supposed to be a governing document that evolves over time but isn’t changed on an annual basis. It only changes as your organization changes. Hopefully, by simplifying the constitution, there won’t be as many amendments.”
Don’t forget to vote via MyUPEI on January 29th and 30th, 2019.