By: Jing Zhao
Hello, I am Jing, a Chinese girl, from the northern part of China.
I am a transfer student from a Chinese University. That is, I have studied two years in China, and will study two years here. My former university is Southwest Jiaotong University in Chengdu (a city in China with spicy hot pot). Now, as a fourth year English student, I am on my magical road of learning English literature. It’s magical, like Harry Potter!
I have been living in PEI for one year, which is a lovely experience. Why do I say it is lovely? Since I came last August, the scenery is sooooo beautiful. The blue sky, green grass, and living animals; totally like colorful pictures. Oh – well, last winter, my first winter here, was bad; however, I found it has another sort of beauty. I went out with my friends into the snowstorms. The snow is fantastic like goose feathers falling from heaven. I have seen snow in my hometown, but only to my knees. The heavy snowstorm was like nothing I could ever experience in China! I admit that the summertime in PEI is like living in heaven; in the winter, it is an attractive white world.
In order to say something about my character, I’ll condense it into one word-CADRE (HaHaHa). C is for chatting. I am friendly and talkative. I love to chat with friends. Come and talk with me. A is for assisting. I am always willing to help. If you need my help, tell me! I would try to give you a hand. D is dreaming. Yeah, I love dreaming; in the afternoon under the sunshine, imagining about the future or just making some stories in my mind. R is for reading. I am a fan of novels, different kinds of stories and articles. Especially, I prefer read a novel and dream the next chapter which waiting for me to read. E is eating. In China, we have an old saying that food is the first necessity of the people. I am a foodie, loving all kinds of food. Also, I can cook Chinese food. If you want to have a try, be my friend, and I will cook for you. More than CADRE, I wish to be a traveler to travel around the world, dreaming……
This semester, I am one of on campus editor in the Cadre. I will go to the events in the school and report them to you. If you want to join me, please contact me at I hope to hear from you soon.