More than a Campus Tour: UPEI NSO Through Freshman’s Eyes


(L-R): NSO Coordinator Obed Oluwakoya, a Denmark exchange
student Maria Linderberg, NSO Coordinator Chloe MacAdams
At UPEI, we’re all about making connections
and building community. The welcoming
atmosphere on campus is a testament to the
concerted effort put forth by both new
students and volunteers. Not only are these
events super fun, but they’re all about getting
newbies to feel like they’re part of the UPEI
family from day one.
Expectations for the orientation week are high
each year. But, at the heart of it all, it’s about
creating an atmosphere where new students
can bond, form lasting memories, and have a
proper good time. Who knows, you might even
bump into your new bestie!
That’s why even the closing ceremony is
kicking things off with a bang during

. (L-R): NSO Coordinator Obed Oluwakoya, psychology freshman
Smriti Khatri, NSO Coordinator Chloe MacAdams
orientation week. Music and laughter are filling
the MacMillan Hall, charcuterie-style snacks
and tiny triangular sandwiches are
disappearing from the trays.
And it’s not just the university bigwigs who run
the show. Nope, we’ve got plenty of students
who’ve been around the block a few times,
helping out and guiding the fresh faces.
One such student, who began her journey five
years ago as a participant, has steadily climbed
way to now serve as the event coordinator.
Chloe MacAdams story is one of many,
showcasing the progression and personal
growth that UPEI fosters among its students.
“My biggest expectation is for people to bond,
maybe even meet another new person that
they haven’t met before, to
take away some
memories from this wonderful week and be
able to remember the whole university and
remember the first NSO, just like I did. And just
take some friends along with them,” shares
Chloe as students are buzzing on the edge of
their seats, waiting for the NSO award
This was the case for Smriti Khatri, a freshman
psychology major from Nepal who won “the
most enthusiastic” participant during NSO
For Smriti, NSO kick off was an opportunity to
feel like she belongs.
“I met a lot of people at NSO. I came alone so I
didn’t have connections with anyone before.
But I know a lot of people now, a lot of people
from different countries.”
Smriti even met a neighbour from her native
village in Nepal!
“It’s definitely a small world. And I will definitely
volunteer in the NSO events next year.”
Maria Linderberg, a Denmark exchange
student specialising in engineering and
biotechnology didn’t want to waste an
opportunity to get to know people, as her time
on the Island is limited.
“I attended as many events as I could because I
wanted to know people and the campus
because I’m here only for four months. It’s so
much fun! I’m so glad I did it. I got to meet so
many interesting people and it’s such a fun way
to start your year.”
And it seems like the other students at NSO
also noticed her excitement, as she eagerly
walked on stage to receive her “cheerful
cheerleader” award.
So yeah, UPEI NSO isn’t just about showing
you where the library is.
It’s about having a blast, meeting amazing
people, and starting your university journey on
a high. This is one week new students will
remember for the rest of their lives.
By: Grace Biswas
PDF: Vol 22, Issue 1