By Sam Arseneau
Robert Campbell (Facebook)
With the election approaching in October, The Cadre is reaching out to candidates to hear what they have to say and what they want the students to know.
The third interview in our candidate profile series is Robert Campbell.
Robert is a family man with three children and three granddaughters, one of whom is a student at UPEI. Robert said that helps him see the issues students face.
“The debt that young people accumulate, not necessarily on their own, but through trying to get an education, is handcuffing them to start their lives, and their careers, and their families.â€
Robert also opened up about what made him run in this election.
“My career was in the RCMP, I’ve had my career, but I look at my children and grandchildren and I wonder what kind of debt they’re going to face, what kind of world they’re going to face and that’s why I’m running, I think this is very important and I think this is a very important election.â€
Robert recognized students are faced with many issues such as tuition, housing, books, transportation and loan. He said that his party has a broad view of many student issues and can use that to be able to help students.
Robert is concerned with the rising tuition that is leading people to not be able to attend a university or college.
On the topic of the environment, Robert praised the Conservative climate change platform, stating its goals are attainable and reasonable all while being affordable.
“Overall, I think we have the best plan to move our country forward in a reasonable fashion.â€
Robert showed an interest in delving deeper into student issues and making everyone, students included, a priority. He said he hopes to push forward ways of helping students if elected.
“I hope that the students would really take a serious look at the conservative party and plan.â€