By: Fallon Mawhinney
The UPEI Student Union meeting for February 28 proved to be brief and unusually focused on hypothetical rapper names.
First, Bob Deziel opened the meeting with last meeting’s minutes and this meeting’s agenda. After the motion to continue the present meeting was approved, Nathan Hood, Vice President Student Life (VPSL), began his report. Hood mentioned several initiatives worked on since the last meeting, including working on the Tobacco Use Committee with President Dana Kenny, preparations for Beach Blast this Wednesday, a podcast with the Cadre’s Drew MacEachern on International Student Issues, a budgeting workshop, Sex Week evaluation, Aramark’s food service presentation, and meetings with the VPSL candidates in the upcoming election.
Next, Vice President of Finance, Zach Tweel, gave a brief report regarding Mickey’s Place expenditures and changes to the Coat Check application form.
The Senate gave a report and noted that applications to UPEI are up since last year in several areas. Application numbers have risen by 34% in Island high school graduates and 78% for international students. Other news from the Senate included the Faculty of Physics pending move to the new School of Engineering building, an addition to the arts program called Communication, Leadership and Culture, and several approvals for new courses in the Faculties of Arts and Engineering. The Senate also expanded upon changes to the Coat Check application.
Accessibility Rep Kaylee Blackett briefly reviewed updates to the UPEISU inclusion policy, noting that the goal of the policy is to create a barrier-free environment for all people on campus. Some changes to the document included a clause for service animals and for support persons for people with disabilities.
Zak Jarvis, Senate Representative, presented new policy on the Individual Responsibilities of being a Councillor. After the motion was made for the policy to become a bylaw, the VPSL noted that there should be a focus on enforcing the bylaw should it be passed.
Zach Tweel presented briefly on the UPEISU’s $2000 plus expenditures for the months of December and January. He also went over the Mickey’s Place budgets for those two months. Although Mickey’s Place has been in the red for the winter months, he noted that several large-scale purchases were made, such as the purchase of coffee for the winter semester. Hood asked if there was any way for sales to be raised for Mickey’s Place in the upcoming year.
The council then voted on a society ratification for the UPEI Iranian Society.
Last, some candidates for the upcoming spring election were in attendance, and were given permission to speak by the council. The guests in attendance were:
- Charlie Fry, a second year student running for Science Representative. Charlie’s chosen rapper name would be French Fry.
- Kasey O’Sullivan, a second year student running for Arts Representative. Kasey’s chosen rapper name would be O’Sully.
- Matthew Coleman, a second year student running for Science Representative. Matthew’s chosen rapper name would be C-man the Rap Man.
- Sam Ferguson, a second year student running for Vice President Student Life. Sam’s chosen rapper name would be Papa Fergs.
- Kaylee Jabbour, a second year student running for Vice President Student Life. Kaylee’s chosen rap name would be K-Jabbs.
When new business was presented, Halen Sky, First Year Representative’s birthday was noted. Additionally, council wished to congratulate Johnathan Rix, Vice President Academic and External for being awarded two CASA awards at a recent ceremony.
After new business, the meeting was adjourned.