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Meet your Managing Editor: Yakosu Umana

Photo Credits: Yakosu Umana

Three years ago, my parents and I made a crucial decision about my education, and the uncertainty behind it was fully evident. I was heading to a Canadian province we had never heard of, and on face value, the place didn’t seem to have much to offer for my future. Fast forward to present day, and I can gladly say it was one of the best decisions ever.

Hi, my name is Yakosu, I’m from Nigeria and I’m in my fourth year at UPEI studying Journalism. Living in Canada isn’t my first time abroad. My father served the Nigerian government as a diplomat, and I have had the rare opportunity to live in several countries, assimilate to different cultures, and meet numerous people from different walks of life. And of all the places I’ve lived, PEI is by far the least thrilling. Sorry Islanders. However, the Island is a special and loving place second only to home. I’ve never felt as comfortable in a place so far from home and I thank Islanders for that.

As part of the UPEI journalism program, I recently attained a journalism diploma from Holland College. My two years at the college ignited a burning passion for journalism in me, thanks to the great instructors. I went into the program as a writer and graduated as a storyteller.

As a managing editor for the Cadre this year, I hope to help make the editorial a trending site, not only amongst UPEI students but Islanders as well. How? By listening and retelling the amazing stories of students who are making an impact in the community, setting the pace and reaching new heights.

I look forward to students reaching me for a potential story or submitting theirs. I can be contacted via email at ( or through Facebook: (Yakosu Umana). Best of luck to all students through the school year!

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